Friday, May 21, 2021

Safe Spaces, Boundaries, and Energy Exchange

 Humans have a powerful force inside them of potential. We can use that power for good, or for bad. We are susceptible to temptations that manipulate and blind us into falling into the darkness. That is why mental health, mindfulness, and self-reflection are so important. It's pretty amazing what humans can do. We can either decide to be good company to ourselves, or bad company. Neutral company is commonly bad company that we pretend isn't bad. The same can be said about who we share our time and energy with.

Sometimes in life, we cross paths with souls who feed us and make us feel at home. Sometimes, we cross paths with souls who take from us and hurt us; most-often inadvertently because they have wiggly boundaries with themselves. Often times, the souls we cross paths with are a confusing blend of the two, and it is important that we practice mindfulness and awareness of our instincts so that we can detangle those nests to protect our own energies, but also the relationships we have with others.

Boundaries are the fundamental tool we must use to protect ourselves, and others in life through true respect. Without boundaries, we ignore the intrinsic value of our spirits and the spirits of those we encounter. Boundaries are all about acknowledging our truths, and the truths of those around us, and respecting them. I do not believe people can learn to truly love or connect with themselves or others if they do not decide to confront the realities of boundaries or mindfulness.

The reason I share, is because I have been learning to recognize how boundaries carry significance, even in the smallest ways. In ways, that we would not think could matter. In our new world where many work from home, or have appointments at home, we open up our private residence, a place where it is important that we have feelings of safety and sanctuary, to the energies (in the form of words, actions, judgements or attitudes) of people we would never normally do this with. Eg; coworkers, doctors, counselors etc. Some of these people have bright, strong energies with their spirits like many counselors or some doctors might, but some; probably most of these people, have a nest of positive and negative "vibes" (if "energies" doesn't make sense to you), and these can easily infiltrate our safe spaces, or our own beings without us realizing.

There is a reason that before we leave the front door of our homes, all of us have a ritual of some sort. We have armor that we put on. Makeup, certain clothing, jewelry. Everyone has something of this sort most of the time. And it is for good reason. The simple action of making ourselves feel more presentable puts us into a mind-space where we are more able to withstand any negative energies we might encounter during our day. At home, however, we remove those layers and relax; as everyone needs to, so that we can recharge and explore all parts of our humanity, and not just the ones we are willing to share with the world.

These rituals have their merit, value, and purpose. It is unspoken but very real. I encourage taking time to recognize our feelings in different moments, and different locations. Often I find that insomnia overcomes me if I "work" in my bed, or expose myself to (the many possible) negative energies even just on my phone; Instagram, snapchat, etc. in what should be a safe, resting space like my bed. All of these things expose us to the world outside our sanctuary. There is a reason these things can be taxing or disorienting. With technology, we live in a very different world where mindfulness and boundaries are more important than ever.

It makes logical sense that more of us would be depressed if we are unknowingly letting negative energies and forces penetrate into our safe spaces; day to day, moment to moment.

Keeping positive relationships with ourselves and strong boundaries are essential to survival and healing. Now, and in the future.

Namaste ❤ Honor the Divine in You.

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