Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Metaphysical World of Darkness

Trigger Warning: Metaphysical Boundaries. Talk about Spirits and Darkness, and Mental Illness.

God gave me the gift of sensitivity

But I have had ghosts talk to me on multiple occasions now. 
No, I don't want to elaborate. No, I don't want to be a medium. Yes, I am informed about metal illness. Yes, I have good doctors I am open and frank with. Yes, it could have been because I was messing with my migraine medications. 💁 I'm fine no matter what "it actually was", but I do believe my gut's voice is truthful. I take it as what it was that I felt and experienced, and resolved to not be bothered so much by why or where it came from in this case.

But I believe that there is a fine line somewhere that determines the difference between hallucination and spiritual/metaphysical encounter. 

I talked to my counselor and he was surprisingly validating.

My friend had a "dark presence/entity" that they had invited in out of curiosity in their past, and it drained them, threatened, scared and manipulated them. And it used her family and friends to talk to them.
I believe that I heard it when I was on the phone with them, trying to get my attention and talk in the same way ghosts had previously.

Ever since then, I have had a lot of really serious talks with them and reached out to spiritual leaders and another friend who also has the same sensitivity that we do.

I have set important boundaries with them and was frank with them about the severity of their situation. I have learned a lot about "demons"/dark entities because of this, and how they prey on people. Humans have their own power source inside of them but if we are naive or careless, we can give our power away to these spiritual entities, and if we choose to do that, they can possess us or use people we love to manipulate and threaten. They really only have power that we give them, whether we unknowingly or carelessly give it, or we intentionally give it. I do believe the "7 sins" are points in our souls that they use to wedge their ways in. If we are careless about our weaknesses, we are going to be less likely to guard them and more vulnerable to manipulation from darkness; whether its just negative thoughts, and feelings or something more. 

When I set important boundaries and surround myself with light, I am not worried, because through this last recent journey, God has also shown me a lot of grace and truth in his power when I say the Jesus prayer especially and when I call upon saints. I can feel now when a demon is nearby sometimes and it could be scary, but if I remember my power and the power Christ offers me through simple intercession, they become nothing more than a distraction. A trouble-maker only if I let them be trouble. When I pray and call upon my inner power source that God gave me and call upon Jesus Christ, they go away. They don't have any power that we don't give them, either with our thought patterns or our choices.

This is important to remember. Fear is their strongest weapon against us.

And this is also all why counseling teaches so many good important beautiful things. Because boundaries and mindfulness are the keys to protecting ourselves and each other. They are the keys to unlocking loving light in all our relationships.

Evil can't rule us or others if we chose to rid ourselves of it. God protects us all with the gift of free-will. No prayer & no force can harm us spiritually, mentally, physically, or metaphysically unless we give it permission to.

It is a constant struggle, but for most people, it is just normal life struggles. Wanting to hold onto our pain and use it to "get back" or "get what we deserve" as an example. I think we all have low levels of dark fluid energy inside of us that moves through our thoughts, and minds. But we chose whether we give them power or not by choosing what to think or do or say. Honoring that we witness them move by is important but we are not the same as those thoughts, or any of our thoughts. We are separate. That is an important thing to recognize because if we think we are our thoughts, the devil plays on that and uses it against us; causing things like depression and eventually suicidal thoughts.

But people can allow dark fluid energy to attain form and being and those beings are much more dangerous and powerful. You could call them "Devils", or darkness in a more solid-state. But, even talking about them in specificity feeds them because the act of personifying them gives them more form. In a sense you could say they prey off of our curiosity, naivety and any little flaw we have. Any little darkness. 
Our thoughts have power. They have power that we give to them.

This is why it is so important for us to strengthen ourselves from within through prayer and mindfulness; meditation and in our lives by surrounding ourselves with things of light and goodness. Both physical/material, emotional and spiritual.

Even horror movies when depicting certain realistic things or dark things; especially when just for the sake of being dark but not for the sake of healing or teaching, can absolutely weaken our protection and strengthen our darkness or even invite the devil into our lives and hearts.
Everything we expose ourselves to can influence us if we let it. Every single thing we expose ourselves to is something that we have been exposed to. It is now in our minds from that moment forward.

But please take this seriously. It is very important. --This is from a place of care and concern as I first wrote this for loved ones in my inner circle. 

Most humans take it all for granted and naivety easily can people swept into bad situations. It is all very real. I have heard them speak and felt them linger.

And certain people are more susceptible to the harm.

God does use ignorance as a protection for many. Because if they don’t notice what they are exposed to but are instead very strong in themselves, it can be their power and protection because not everyone is very sensitive and susceptible to this energy like my two friends and I are, and those people are safer than us. They are less likely to dwell on the concepts of darkness or light, and less likely for curiosity to draw them into a place where they are in over their heads.

Spirits know who they have a chance with; and they will quickly move along to a new target if they find that you are either too hard to crack or don’t have enough open doors. Especially dark spirits. They don't have patience. They just want to cause chaos as quickly and easily as they can. And they know that if you have Christ on your side and in your heart, that they don't have any real power anymore. They will cease to exist. They will shrivel up and die. It's like removing their oxygen with fire. It is science. A science of the metaphysical. So, when you call upon Jesus Christ, they will flee. And I have witnessed this firsthand.

These doors can be either through our sins, or through our large quantity of negative exposure or through your curiosity about learning or communicating with the spirit world without any guides or tools to protect you.

Hypersensitivity combined with Trauma can lead to schizophrenia. If you don't know anything about schizophrenia, let me tell you everything you need to know. It will ruin your life and you don't want it. 

Doing hallucinogenics or psychedelics can also lead to hypersensitivity, especially potent ones or ones in large quantity.

I believe they can cause so much of a sensory overload that it mixes the metaphysical world neurologically with your own thoughts, feelings and creativity and that's where delusions can come from and where mental illness begins. These drugs can open up your sensitivity and for many who are not already sensitive, that can be very healing because the truth is much more beautiful that most realize.

The truth is also more challenging and difficult than most realize. Which I am sure is why so many people flee from it. Not everyone can face the truth alone. But even if you believe you are a strong one, don't get cocky. Just as God's love is bigger than human comprehension, so is the Devil's darkness heavier than human's ability to handle. And I believe this is where delusional mental illness and/or demonic possession can and do come into play. You don't want it. Run away from it. It is not meant for you.

Trauma can trigger this sensitivity to work against you.

I believe that if you heal your trauma and learn to love and nourish yourself, your psychotic conditions if you have them can lose some of its power over you. This is what I believe I have witnessed and would like to believe. There is always hope and always room to heal. 

For Christians who say: “But only God is my protection!”

I say; “Yes and God gave us all part of the Holy spirit on Pentacost! So God is always with us with a sword and shield whenever we need to call upon Him. He is waiting in our hearts. So shut up and look inward. A lack of self-believe, self-esteem and self-value is from the devil. It's a dark thought planted to turn you away from the beauty and peace you are designed to commune with.”

I am so sad for all the lost souls. The devil preys on the weak!!!

I am so privileged and lucky. There are parts of the world where the lost have forgotten their names and they are so comfortable with the darkness that they let it in at first sight, and they even turn away from the light because they truly believe they are no longer worthy of it; they have forgotten that they were born of it. It becomes foreign and unfamiliar to them.
I think that is what demonic possession is.

And there are parts of the internet where the weak and untrained are drawn more easily into darkness. Porn is a big one for example.

What else can weaken you? Physical weakness for sure. Sickness or drugs. Alcohol weakens you. Being tired, or emotional, or going through a hard time without the emotional support and physical support that you need and deserve all weaken you. I'm not just talking about dark spirits possessing. It all starts somewhere. I don't believe everyone is going to be attacked by a bad spirit. But weakness makes us more susceptible to temptation, sin or even if you are too weak to be present in your own body (aka dissociation); that is a thing as well that can be easily infiltrated.

Fasting is a big unique because if it's out of neglect, it will weaken you. But if it is out of self-sacrifice ritual and combined with prayer, it can strengthen you.

But here is the hope, guys. The light in the darkness is this: We are all capable of healing. If we look inward and pray and allow others with more experience, perspective, insight, wisdom to examine what is really going on in our hearts and minds and bodies (counselors/psychologists) and to enlighten us with their perspective and their insight, we can all heal. I personally think every human in the world deserves a good counselor. But if we humble ourselves, and are wise about the source, anyone could be able to help heal us with their insight. 

We are all children. Little children, who have been wounded in one way or another. Our earthly caregivers have failed. Our earthly connections and relationships are flawed, and we know that we need it to be different. So, we get stuck in circles because we look outward for that healing. "If they can't give it to me then I will find it somewhere else." "Maybe this will, or that will, or he will or she will or they will give it to me. I crave it, I need it."

And the way to heal is this... Speak to yourself. Allow different parts of yourself from different times of your life to speak freely, at the same time, from their different places. And notice who is wise and grounded, and who is reacting out of fear or preservation. Let the wise sage in your heart speak. Let them nourish the broken parts of you. Give yourself permission to love yourself, even in your darkest moments. Self-Talk is powerful. Just as I was saying above in another way. Our thoughts have great great power, and it is through them that we find healing as well. 

It takes practice. You will find parts of yourself are untrusting and resistant to your love. "You don't have the authority to tell me I am okay. You did ____,___,____ to me and I was hurt. And then you did it again." The inner critic that they are is just trying to protect you. But you must persevere. You must praise your accomplishments on all levels. And you must rein in your anxious critic when they aren't seeing the picture as it truly logically is in the present moment. 

Eventually, if you do those things, you will be healed. You are capable of healing. God gave you the ability to heal yourself. Use it. You must be accountable for yourself, and use it. 

With love and Hope,


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