Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tidal Waves - A Series of Lovepoems

Your Aura is so thick
it is palpable.

I can see it behind walls
behind doors
around corners
gleaming, rocking.

Why do you run
oh darling
Why do you hide
Is it pride that's captured you?
Ensnared you in its clutches
wrapped around you like a cage.
Thick, cold metal binding your
beautiful beautiful light.

Wow--if only you could see what I see.
You were made of light.
Birthed in it 
like a golden stream of honey.
Your aura is thick with it. Rich.

Dear, dear creature
Why do you wander
Where do you go
Seeking, Searching
Fighting, Fleeing

The Earth mourns for you
it heaves and sighs
and I with it.
Tears like monsoons fill oceans
where waves crash over us.

How many more 
moons will you take
Dear one
How many more seasons

Flying away
Flying through you is
the divine spirit
and yours with it

Do not seek darkness
which calls to you
from the familiar depths
of your womb
your power-chakra

It's cry
and howl
pierce your mind
your throat closes up.

Its clutches bind you
Your third eye weeps 
for the beauty
it can not see.

This darkness
like an old friend
bows to you.
It fills your empty places
with its two-faced words
and empty promises of bliss.

It keeps you company
in your silent moments
playing on weaknesses
like a game of competition.

and wedging into cracks once opened
ever-prying and
turning its back to you
when you least expect it.

Then forever knocking
on a door you swear always shut.
You know. You shut it.

Don't listen to its whistling
its humming
its breath on the wind
It is always searching
for another way in.

Saying Hello,
to reacquaint itself 
with your familiar mind
and heart.
To tell you the easy way out
the one you want to hear
that you always want to hear
long for.
The sounds of a siren.

Don't give in
You have to fight.
You must fight.
Your precious heart deserves better
You deserve peace.
You are worthy of love
You are worthy of joy.
Please Believe.


True Love is longingly waiting for you
To embrace it with open arms
with grace
with humility
For you to let your tears finally flow
To settle your aching heart
and to let your chest heave
and release your inner truth
with a final sigh.

This is not just a dream
or a fairytale
I see, dear one. I know.
But my words
are nothing to you
but a passing songbird finding food.

Your words
are the only words
that have power over you.
Your thoughts
and the words of your inner world
all hold the key
to unlocking any door
of your heart
and of your life.


I love but I cannot give.
For you reach to me
with claws like the siren
that chains you to your old ways.

If I bowed
we would both fall 
and drown.

Oh love
Oh love.
You must always know
and always hear
the sound of the light
The truth waiting at the door
for you to simply let it in.

Humility and courage
are all that are needed
to free you from yourself
and your tired aching heart.

Love is here.
Love is waiting
and with it
truth follows
like snowmelt 
to the oceans.


Where you go, I cannot swim.
Oh friend, who's made from golden honey.
My soul weeps for yours,
for the battles it carries
like shards of glass
within its depths.

Your smell still lingers on me
but I daren't recall your love
I long to embrace you eternally
although knowing I would fall.

My gut wretches when
I think of your grip on me.
I am strong
but your game drowns me.

Large ocean waves crush me
whenever I stand in your presence

still longing for peace within you
to form connection between us
the intimacy everyone yearns for

Woe is me
A light in the darkness
that can not shine while
you remove my oxygen.

If only I could open
your heart to breathe
the fresh air
that we both crave.

I dare not waver.

I must preserve my light.

Rosem Sprig

Thank you.

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