Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Freedom in Letting Go--And oh is it so so hard

 Life is so long and we weigh ourselves down so heavily by keeping track of every second.

But it is the most emotionally challenging method for me. It's not for everyone.
But we all have a choice we make.
Do we want to live in the present moment and the future?
Or do we want to live in the past?
We keep so much data.
We keep data on everything. Every thought. Every noise. And we use so much energy to store it all.
We pollute and kill the planet to preserve our sense of control. Any sense of control. Control over who we know or don’t know. Control over knowing who we met etc. control over understanding and remembering and knowing everything. So much more than our brains are designed to keep track of. And we put it all on an equal level of importance for us: “stored”.

I wonder if we learned how to let go of the past, how much more value, peace, joy, clarity and hope we would have for the present and future.

I wonder if we got rid of all the things that we haven’t thought about or needed or used or cared about/ that haven’t fed us or given anything to us for x months/years, how much more brain capacity we would have and how much more energy and time we would have to love and live and appreciate the present moment.

Humans weren’t built to live the way we do. To store all this information about our lives. It isn’t healthy. It isn’t natural.

Memories are only as fond as we make them.
To try to remember every single memory we have ever had diminishes their value and their worth. If we only have a limited amount of attention, memory, energy and care to give… then we are dividing it all up into tiny tiny tiny pieces. Thousands. Millions or billions of tiny pieces.
We are wasting our precious life. Our precious memories. Our precious joys and our precious gifts.

I am not surprised by how many men and women have no ability to recollect information in their old age.

This is not a mystery. The answer is right in front of us.

I am going on a quest to clear out the data that I store on all platforms.
To save the things that spark joy and to let go of the things that are even just average.
It is hard. It is not easy.
But a energy healer also said that it is a quick trick to lead to manifestation to make space in your life for the things you want in your future.
You attract what you make space for and what you are. Not who you want to be or what you want to have without effort or change.

The easiest and maybe the healthiest way is to wipe it all clean. Delete all your photos on your phone. Delete your whole Facebook. Delete your instagram. Etc. etc.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

My Mind

I learn and process information really quickly; 
and so I live life at a pace much faster than the people around me; 
and it makes it really hard for me to feel connected and close to the people in my life. 

In the span of 1 day, I process all that days information plus any information from previous days that wasn't processed as far as it could be. I feel all sorts of different kinds of moods in one day. And I embody them. One moment I want to sing and dance, and then next I am staring at a wall, and another I am crying & singing and grieving a loss that belongs to someone else who I met in life, but because I feel their burdens metaphysically/empathically, I embrace their heart and weep for them alone in my own home; the tears that they can't weep for themselves. All of it feels unburden-some to me. Right.

I have so much love and emotion and insight to offer. And it doesn't burden me to feel. It frees me. 

I have yet to meet anyone else who seems to be able to keep pace. Or if I have, I am no longer able to keep them as close as I would like for other complex reasons (yes I have a specific person in mind but who knows anything really).

It is lonely. And isolating. But a different sort of loneliness than the kind I experienced in childhood. I don't know if English needs to invent another word or if it is the same emotion in a different lesser layer.

But, I don't have the patience to wait around and witness the same things happen in circles... over and over. I get bored. I move on. I want something new, and stimulating, because to me, the circles need to grow and change. Being stuck doesn't make sense to me. It is not something I would accept in myself, nor can I understand in others... But maybe all of this is from a blind-spot of mine that I have yet to be shown/uncovered fully.

And it is very hard for me to be a constant for people who are stuck. I can't imagine allowing myself to settle. Settle down. Settle for less; less than I am worth and less than I can offer. Less than my absolute best in every possible area. What a crazy idea. What a burden. But it frees me! How is that? (throws head back laughing). God in Heaven! You understand what I mean and feel! But it is something my words can not even fathom let alone describe. 


Humans are hard for me. 

They have so many problems that weigh them down.

But I live to resolve my problems. Absorb them. Pray them away. Grieve, Release. Dissect. Everything is math. Everything has a source. Everything has a law and a rule and a formula. It all makes sense eventually; somewhere. We just aren't always capable of comprehending it all. It comes to us at different parts of our life in different ways, and for different reasons; with different levels of effort to find them. I live to feel and express and process everything. And I grow so fast because of them. I am twenty four. 

But where are the other people like me? [and would it really serve me to find someone as distracted and unfocused as I am to be my counterpart(ner)?]

Will I ever find them? [not even just a counterpart(ner) but there are so many beautiful loving friendships I am dying to have and have not yet embraced or found.]

Where should I look to find them?

Is this how my life is doomed to be? Living at an entirely different pace from everyone around me? It is so isolating, confusing, frustrating. 


And God-forbid I become narcissistic or arrogant. That is not my intent. Not my goal. I am self-focused. But everyone is. We are all self-focused. 

No, I want to help people. 

And I know that I can't sit still long enough to make a statement. 
I can't focus on one thing long enough to make a difference. 

I get bored and frustrated by playing the game. 

The rules are all wrong. The rules of life. 

I don't want to live in this societal construct. It is suffocating. It is unethical. It is incorrect. It is isolating. It is trapping. Harsh. Cold. Dark. And yet it is maybe the most free and liberated one on the planet thus-far in human history as we know it. Promising? Hopeful? Yes, we must remember to celebrate even the little things with elated gratitude.

Could my words make an impact? My thoughts, my feelings, my emotions?
Is it possible that someone else out there; you; reading this.. would even read this and somehow feel less alone?

Are we connected you and I? Are we communing?

Will you let me know? Energetically? Telepathically? Physically? Spiritually?

If we are communing, will you run out into the wilderness and sing off the edge of a cliff?
Will you dance to the music in the store, in your car, at a restaurant? Unashamed? Unafraid?

Will you approach strangers in life with a smile?
Tell them what's on your mind and send them good vibes when they show that they want to be left alone?

I need to write a song about it. I need to cry tears about it. Sing, Dance and Scream about it. Hike and Climb and Beam about it. 

It is essential for me. I must express. I must commune. With you. Dear Dear Stranger. 

Farewell, please.

Love yourself for me. That is all I ask of you today. Love yourself and show compassion. Lend your ear to yourself and hold your hand. Kiss your hands and feet and thank them for carrying you through your day. 

God Bless you, stranger.


Monday, October 4, 2021

What I Know we All Need to be Healthy and Happy

Food, Water and Sleep

Music, Art, Community



Nature > Noise


Diverse Diet

Diverse Daily Routines1

Diverse Social Community

Native Habitat Biological Ecosystems > Monocultures and Artificial Habitats

Reality > Fake Delusion

Nature > Society

Listen > Speak

Hear > Heard2


What this looks like for me:

More Outside brought Inside:

            Aquarium, houseplants, pets, small home that is there for Practical Use3

            Larger outdoor spaces

            With larger populations this means more Public spaces

            Community Gardens are essential for health and happiness

Diverse Social Community Means:

            Less time spent on Social media

            More time spent In-person, on-the-phone, in video-calls

            More time spent being HUMAN and less time spent being Product-Machines.

                        Capitalism Kills

                        It kills our bodies, our hearts, our minds and our souls.

                        (At least the capitalism that is being practiced in the United States)

                        Democratic Socialism Heals

                        Prioritizing Humans > Product

                        Product will come in time and with need

YES have a free market. Let that free market drive us, but NOT at the expense of our Health, Wellbeing, Freedom, Safety, Minds, Bodies, and Souls!!! *This* is the fundamental difference and this is what we who align politically and vote this way are trying to say.
We must have a system that stands up for the oppressed! A team is Only As Strong As its Weakest Member! A Chain is Only As Strong As its Weakest Link!

True Christianity; on a Large Scale. Is and Will be our salvation and Nothing Less.
First we must feed the hungry, heal the sick, and help the suffering. We *must* do it *without* expecting anything in return. It is ONLY THEN that God ALWAYS pulls through and gives us Exactly what we NEED. What we Ourselves Need. He sees and knows our hearts and our very nature is meant to be one with his. We Must TRUST HIM. We MUST. Trust. Him. (rly it is Them--don't feel oppressed by the pronouns that fallible humans gave to our Creator)

Listen: At the end of the Day, Science and Psychology always guide us Back to our Creator. Always. Our bodies are constantly trying to tell us what we need to change to heal. Constantly. And while we continue to live in the constructs built by foreign sinful minds (society) to decide and tell us how we should live and what we should do, we will always suffer and we will always fall. The truth will set you free. The truth *is* setting you free. It is screaming to free you. Constantly. Daily. In so many ways. Hush. Listen. It is right there. Staring you in the face. Listen to it. Please.

And know that you can be empowered to change. You can choose to live however you want to live. Knowledge is everything. Being open to observing, to learning, is everything. We must be willing to listen if we are to be set free. We must be willing to humble ourselves.

And we must be patient. We must trust. We must work with the tools and resources; with the deck of cards that we have been provided. We can not work with nothing. We will not grow to discard all that we have been provided, or make a scene or throw a fit or scream, shout, run away. We will not make progress to point fingers or to blame. The truth is much harder to grasp, but it is the only thing that will set us free. Humility and Courage are all that are needed.

I want to make a whole section for people who have been hurt by Christians. You are valid. Those people weren't being Christian when they hurt you. They were being fallible, sinful humans. They don't have an excuse. God doesn't justify our sins, he loves in spite of them. You don't have to go back to a Christian church or community as long as you live and if you decide to live a selfless life out of love, I truly believe you will be saved. You will be reunited with your creator, your life-source, your spirit and your truth, and that will be a blissful, peaceful, content salvation in your soul's heart. Because I believe that God speaks to everyone in their own languages. The truth is seen in every culture on every continent in every language around the world. It is in Science, it is in math, it is in art and it is in psychology. You can't escape the truth. You can't escape "God". Everything in life brings you back to it. This is our reality that we live. (and you also don't have to use the same terminology/framework either-- God and you will know each other by your own names in your own language with your own relationship)

1. And to overcome our resistance to physical labor. To reward ourselves for using our bodies as they were designed to be used.

2. But also please hear yourself. Listen to yourself and be heard by yourself. Being heard by others is valuable and healing, but sometimes we only have ourselves, and all the time we always have ourselves, so listen to yourself and be an ear to yourself.

3. Even THIS is going a bit far and leaning on Fucked!! Houseplants Do NOT THRIVE. Aquatic pets DO NOT THRIVE and they never will, because we have removed them from their mother source, their creator, mother Earth, and God's-designed Habitat. Their true natural habitat has been removed. This is why foraging is more ethical than the ownership philosophy that the white pilgrims and Europeans adopted so long ago. Nothing *belongs* to us! It all *belongs* to the Creator and is given freely to *all* of us who *need* and *ask*. For us to even possess something such as a field of crops or parcel of land and to hold it away from all others who seek and need its resources; birds, bees, animals and *humans*, is a deadly sin. We are all doomed to eternal fire ๐Ÿ˜†on our own, when we turn away from the truth. We do not grow plants, we listen to plants and help them and they grow themselves, of their own volition from their own life source and that which is the will and design of the Creator.

Sickness. A little Rant

  tldr; the awe-someness of experiencing your body and soul heal probably makes up for the horrible emotional & physical pain and suffer...