Happy Second Sunday of Great Lent!
Every time I have (virtually) attended Saint Demetrius this year, I have been very inspired and impacted by the sermon. I highly recommend attending a service; virtually or in-person.
Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIoY39bECYNuUTUT1PZMT2w
Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIoY39bECYNuUTUT1PZMT2w
and here: https://www.saintdemetrios.com/
Today we commemorated Saint Gregory Palamas who, we learned, was advocating for a life of stillness to reconnect and redirect the intellect to ourselves. He was an opponent of a humanist and philosopher Barlaam of the time who, like many, didn't believe that God would or did become a man.
What I learned today is that Saint Gregory came up with 4 steps to directing your intellect to yourself and therefore reconnecting to Christ. These are:
- Self CondemnationNot self-deprecation. Not despair. Not self hatred. Not a lack of self compassion. Simply recognizing that we will always mess up, and are called to always strive to be better. What are the ways that you messed up? Take responsibility for them. Write them out. Remind yourself that you are not perfect. Don't get comfortable in your errors and mistakes when they take you away from God. This is self-condemnation.
- Confession of Sins
Confessing sins is an art. And a science. It is extremely healing and releasing. Recharging. It is the act of asking God for forgiveness, and receiving it. Confessing sins must happen to Christ God and not to others. Priests traditional role is to be a witness who can encourage or provide guidance. But confession is between your soul and God and is about letting-go and moving onward.
3. Making a Promise to God to discard evil ways.
To discard the ways that you make mistakes. This is the act of saying "I am going to try better and here is how". The more concrete, the easier to follow. God knows that there are some things that take decades to change. It is important to both be reasonable and gentle to yourself, and also to not skip over this step "because it's too hard". The ability to understand the need to change while still respecting your human inability to change anything permanently overnight is important. This is why:
4. Pray
Pray! Ask God for help. Our God wants to be bothered by us. He wants us to want Him. It is significant that the last step is not an "end" nor a "perfection" or some sort of redemptive state. Instead, it is the reasonable and realistic goal and notion of continuing growth and effort. It does not mimic a fantasy or a false notion that humans can achieve a perfect or complete or flawless state on our own. Instead, it emphasizes the need for us to continually ask for God's help and guidance and presence in our life. Remember, the grass would not grow and our stomachs would not digest food if it weren't for God and His design. To be without God is to be not just dead, or nothing. Death implies life first. Without God there is no life first; there is just nothing for us.
More resources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palamism
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